Thursday, November 12, 2009

Dental Indemnity Plans?

Does anyone have experience dealing with this type of dental insurance (Dental Indemnity Plans)? How does it differ from regular dental insurance?

My health insurance offers it as an option, and it looks attractive to me because it allows me to go to any dentist, not just ones in their "network". However, the annual cap is $1000. The premiums end up being about $500 anyway, and I am wondering about how much of a hassle they give to people when claims are submitted. Is it even worth it?

Dental Indemnity Plans?
You are better off just self insuring unless you know you need a lot of work or you are meticulaous about oral hygiene and go in for cleanings every six months. Dental indemnity usually means you pay and the insurer pays you back (net of allowables). You can run up a huge bill and they only pay $1000. Remeber dentists can change anything they want. You will pay the difference.
Reply:Don't forget copays and waiting periods.

I haven't seen a private health policy that pays out more than it takes in. But this is a group plan. Let's just say, unless your employer is picking up a chunk of the tab, it's probably not worth it.
Reply:The plan I am on has a $1,250 cap. It also has NO waiting periods, no network a one time $100 deductible you only have to meet once, not every year, and only a $10 co-pay. You can apply right online at

I have had bad luck with indemnity plans. Beware of plans that say they pay 'Up To' a certain amount. That can mean they pay 'Up To 2%' which is often the problem with indemnity plans


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